If you are looking for Samsung Galaxy J5 Prime G570M Home Back And Key not working problem solution then you landed at the right place, in this post we will show you Samsung G570M Home button ways and touch keys jumper solution, you can contact us by using the link provided at the bottom of this page.
When describing your issue, please be as detailed as possible so we can easily pinpoint a relevant solution. If you can, kindly include the exact error messages you are getting to give us an idea where to start. If you have already tried some troubleshooting steps before emailing us, make sure to mention them so we can skip them in our answers.
Only manage to apply a jumper wire in places where the Samsung Galaxy J5 Prime G570Mconnecting said power key.
Samsung Galaxy J5 Prime G570M Home Key Not Working Problem
Samsung SM-G570M Touch Button Ways
Samsung Galaxy J5 Prime G570M Home Button Ways Touch Key Jumper:
Another reason is the dust and other small things which go under the home button. All the dust which is inside breaks the connection between the button and the circuit. This way the button becomes unresponsive. The dust prevents it from working correctly. To fix it, take a small microfiber cloth and try wiping the home button.
Samsung Galaxy J5 Prime G570M Home Key Ways, Solution, Problem Jumper, Not Working Problem Repair Ways
When you disassemble the phone and check strip jack as shown in the above diagram you may find some carbon or rust in it. So make it clean and apply heat with heat gun to make it dry.
Hints to fix Samsung Galaxy J5 Prime Home And Touch Keys Problem Repair Solution:
Check/clean the keypad PCB matrix.
Clean/replace the keypad membrane.
Note: Please note that even though every solution posted on our website is tested by one or more members of our team before posting, but still we do not take any responsibility for any damage it may cause to your cell phones. Use these repairing solutions at your own risk.