Samsung J110H Sim Card Ways Insert Sim Card Solution
Samsung Galaxy J1 J110H Sim Card Ways Sim Not Working Problem Insert Sim Card Solution Sim Ic Jumper
This solution may possibly help fix and repair a damaged Samsung Galaxy J1 J110H that result to Insert Sim card problem issues. If the mobile handset device does not accept any kind of sim card and only shows insert sim card in the LCD screen display, you may refer to this solution below to trace and check certain components that might get damaged and result to insert sim card problem.
The first thing you need to do is make sure that just dust or rust is not causing this issue clean theSamsung Galaxy J1 J110H SIM card connector and check if all the legs are in good shape if there is any kind of damage to the SIM Card connector replace it with a new one.
Reasons for Problems
It might be due to dust on SIM Jacket contacts.
It might be due to faulty capacitors. If any of them is faulty then it will affect your overall SIM card function.
The issue might also be due to SIM card IC.
Samsung J110H Sim Card Ways Sim Jumper:

Here are the hints in troubleshooting the Samsung J110H Insert Sim Card Problem:
1. Check the flex ribbon cable assembly. Replace if severely damaged.
2. Clean the SIM slot and the flex pin connector.
3. Check the VSIM voltage across the 0 ohms resistor. Check/replace the resistor if damaged.
Samsung Galaxy J1 J110H Insert Sim Card Hardware Procedure
Clean SIM jacket contacts and check.
Check all capacitors with the help of a multimeter, if any of them is faulty replace it.
Check all trackways connector with the help of a multimeter, if any of them is faulty make a jumper.
lean SIM jacket contacts and check.
Check all capacitors with the help of a multimeter, if any of them is faulty replace it.
Check all trackways connector with the help of a multimeter, if any of them is faulty make a jumper.
In the troubleshooting insert sim card problem you may first check and trace the SIM card pin connector connection such as the SIM card supply voltage and ground pin. IF these line paths were both okay,
Samsung Galaxy J1 J110H Sim Problem Solution.Repair Simcard Problem.Sim Ic Jumper Sim Card Ways, Sim Not Working Repair Solution
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Note: Please note that even though every solution posted on our website is tested by one or more members of our team before posting, but still we do not take any responsibility for any damage it may cause to your cell phones. Use these repairing solutions at your own risk. Thank You.