Samsung Galaxy Note 3 N9005 Home Back And Menu Key Ways
Samsung SM-N9005 Menu Key Ways Back Button Not Working Problem Home Button Jumper Solution
One of the most important physical key that is found in your Samsung Galaxy Note 3 N9005 is its Home Button. Home button can be said as one of the core button of Samsung N9005, and this is mainly because it is the button that allows you to perform different functions including Coming out of the home screen from any number of apps, close all the running apps and for performing several other functions.
The home button is a touch-activated button that lights up when tapped. It is an indication that the phone is active and running. In this article we’ll help you fix the home button issue on your Samsung Galaxy Note 3 N9005. Follow to steps below to solve the problem.
In some cases, the home key is not actually damaged or broken. It might only be turned off at the moment, or disabled which is why the keys do not lit when touched. This might be true especially when in power-saving mode, since Samsung Galaxy Note 3 N9005 automatically disables these keys to conserve some amount of battery. Below are the step-by-step commands on how to fix the home key lights on your Samsung Galaxy Note 3 N9005.
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 N9005 Home button not working.
Delay in response when Home button is pressed.
Samsung N9005 Home button becomes stiff.
Reasons of Problems
One of the most common reasons for home button issue is that the phone might be water damaged, and this thing can happen even due to a single drop or a little bit of moisture.
Delay in response issue is normally due to the fact that your phone might be out of space or you might be running a number of heavy apps at the same time, hence the function to delay.
Dust or dirt particles can also stick under the home button, hence making it stiff or quite harder to press
Hardware Solution:

Samsung Galaxy Note 3 N9005 Home Button Ways Problem Key Jumper
When it comes to hardware, the very first thing that you need to do is to unplug home button strip and check its onboard connector for any loose contacts.
s4 home button strip connector and onboard connector
Clean both home button strip and its onboard connector, after you do that re-plug and check.
In case display strip still has a loose contact with on-board connector than change the entire charging dock strip, (Home button is at the charging dock strip).
Make Jumper As Shown Above Image.
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 N9005 Home Key Ways, Home Button Jumper, Home Button Ways, Home Key Not Working Problem Repair, Home key Ways, Centre Button Not Working Repair.