Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 T231 Volume And Power Button Ways Solution
Samsung SM-T231 Volume Keys Ways Problem Power Button Jumper Solution
In Samsung Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 T231 volume and power keys are on the right side of the mobile phone, they are used to control the volume like while listening to the music or during a phone call. Volume keys like power buttons are soldered on the motherboard and can easily be damaged if the user puts too much pressure on them.
Here’s the connection line paths for Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 T231 that may useful in troubleshooting a not working Volume control both UP (+) and DOWN (-) button switches. This shows the connection line paths (jumper ways) specially when trying to fix the button switch if severely damaged or the PCB solder pads has been already lifted. You may use a multimeter to trace each of the volume button keys terminals connection across to a components where it is being connected. This solution may also work with Nokia Asha 501 phones.
To fix this problem you may first visually check the button switch assembly for possible damaged. Just replace it, and carefully re-solder it without lifting the PCB board terminal solder pads.
If the said switches assembly seems okay but it still it does not respond or work. Refer to the solution above and locate the highlighted component on the PCB board.
Damage or fault repairs caused by the existing solutions on this blog is not liable, we just want a little help you in improving your mobile phone.
Note: Please note that even though every solution posted on our website is tested by one or more members of our team before posting, but still we do not take any responsibility for any damage it may cause to your cell phones. Use these repairing solutions at your own risk. Thank You.
Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 T231 Volume Button Ways,Jumper,Volume Key Not Working Problem,Volume Button Jumper,Volume Key Way,Up Down key problem Ways Solution.