Samsung GT-S7580 Sim Problem Sim Card Ways Jumper- Samsung Galaxy Trend Plus GT-S7580 if you suddenly can not read the sim card, it will be very annoying activity, here are some steps to repair the Samsung S7580 sim problem.
Check the sim line as shown below, check Samsung GT-S7580 sim track you one by one carefully, try to make jumpers as contained in the image, usually after doing a good jumper and correct, the problem in Samsung S7580 sim problem can be resolved, good luck.
Sim Card Problem Repair Hardware Solution:
Clean the SIM card pin connectors if oxidation build up spotted. (corrosion may also cause insert SIM issues)
Make a jumper shown as above
your problem will solve after applying jumper.
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Note: Please note that even though every solution posted on our website is tested by one or more members of our team before posting, but still we do not take any responsibility for any damage it may cause to your cell phones. Use these repairing solutions at your own risk. Thank You.
Samsung GT-S7580 Simcard Not Working Problem,Insert Sim Solution.Sim Ic Jumper,Sim Ic Solution,Simcard Not Working.