Samsung GT-S5830 On Off Key WaysOne of the most common issues that are found in Samsung S5830 is its power button problem. The reason for this problem could be anything. This could either be due to water damage or just the basic wear and tear. In the case of basic wear and tear, power button losses its Springiness hence you need to press it harder than usual for it to make it work for you or it could either fail completely.
Besides that, a problem in power button might also cause your phone to restart at times, which becomes very much annoying and it troubles you to the masses.
In the following lines you will get to know about Samsung GT-S5830 power button problems as well as their solutions:
Samsung GT-S5830 Problems
Samsung S5830 power button becomes stiff.
Power button becomes unresponsive.
For S5830 power button problem there is no work around method, however you can try using a pin and move it all around the Samsung S7582 power button, as this might be able to take away some stiffness from your power button.
Samsung S5830 Power Switch Hardware Solution
Here is the hardware solution for power button problem:
When it comes to hardware, the very first thing that you need to do is to re-solder power button strip and check its on-board connector for any loose contacts.
If the above method not working replace new power button strip.
Check power switch connection line paths accross to each components where it is being connected.
Samsung S5830 on/off switch Ways Problem Repair Solution
If any of the on/off switch + or – track missing then make a jumper.