1. Switch the mobile Off
2. Take out the battery and re-install the battery to the device.
3. Now, Open Dragon Software
4. Choose Dragon Box Port
5. CheckBox (Box Connects in Specif port)
6. Go to “SPD” Tab
7. Un-tick “Scan Pinout” If you are doing with USB cable + Battery
8. Choose “Format”
9. Choose Mobile Option “6820_Android”
10. Choose Use Option as “Format”
11. Tick “Format_UserData” (DO NOT Select Format_RuntimeNV, Format_Cache, Format_Misc)
12. Choose “USB” (not COM)
13. Click “Start”
14. Now, Press the Boot Key and Connect the mobile to the computer with the help of USB Data Cable.
Note: Boot Key might be Volume Down or Home Butten etc.
15. Wait and let the mobile install necessary drivers.
16. Waits until you see “All Done”
17. Done
MAIN CABLE and +/- of Main Cable Way (No Battery)
1. Switch the mobile Off
2. Connect the Mobile with the help of Dragon MAIN CABLE + DRAGON +/- wire (Not from Battery)
3. Now, Open Dragon Software
4. Choose Dragon Box Port
5. CheckBox (Box Connects in Specif port)
6. Go to “SPD” Tab
7. Tick “Scan Pinout” If you are doing with USB cable + Battery
8. Choose “Format”
9. Choose Mobile Option “6820_Android”
10. Choose Use Option as “Format”
11. Tick “Format_UserData” (DO NOT Select Format_RuntimeNV, Format_Cache, Format_Misc)
12. Choose “USB” (not COM)
13. Now, Press the Boot Key and Click on “Start”.
Note: Boot Key might be Volume Down or Home Butten etc.
14. Waits until you see “All Done”
15. Done